
The Only Productivity Tool You Need

Whether you want to lose weight or get a promotion at work, you need to master productivity. You’ll never be able to fit in workouts, healthy meals, and meditation if you’re constantly procrastinating and not making the best use of your time. And if you’re going for that promotion, you’ll never be able to get ahead and learn new skills if you don’t know how to be effective with your time.
Productivity is something every top performer has mastered, and you should, too.
With so many tips on time management and productivity available on the Internet, you might feel overwhelmed by the different approaches experts preach on a daily basis.
Today, I’m going to unravel this whole mystery and share the ONLY tool you need to master productivity and get a huge amount done every day.
Are you ready?
Single-pointed focus: focusing on only one thing at a time.
You might have heard that the key to being productive and getting a lot done is multitasking.
Doing more than one thing sounds effective. Like you’ll get more done because you’re doing two things at a time instead of one, right? Wrong. What happens when you multitask is that your focus and energy are diluted and no task ever gets your full energy.
Often, you don’t finish anything completely because you’re so exhausted from spreading yourself across two (or more) projects. If you do end up finishing multiple tasks at once, it’s likely the work will be low quality – you might even have to redo it.
On the other hand, when you focus on one thing at a time until completion, your work quality will be super high and you’ll feel satisfied at the end of the day because you actually got work done – and gave it your all.
It’s the same when you’re trying to get healthy or lose weight. If you just integrate one tool at a time – like adding in one serving of green vegetables per day – until it’s second nature to you, you’ll see results. If you try to implement every health tip you’ve heard at once, you’ll likely get frustrated, binge on brownies, and give up completely.
See how single-pointed focus applies to every area of your life and is the only productivity tool you need? Experiment with it this week and let me know how it goes in the comments below. I can’t wait to hear from you! 

The Seinfeld Productivity Secret to Achieving Anything

Whether you’re on a journey to lose weight or build your business (or both), the first day of the week can be an overwhelming (even if in a good way) prospect with projects, deadlines, and social engagements looming.

But if you shift your perspective, Monday is a perfect day for starting new habits and taking the next step towards your goals.

It can be overwhelming to set big goals, and it’s easy to expect them to come to fruition overnight.

It’s effective to set many small intentions, like eating more vegetables, drinking more water, or writing every day. When you break things down into smaller tasks, your to-do list becomes much more manageable.

For example, instead of focusing on your ultimate weight loss goal, break it down into small actions: Drink eight glasses of water every day, eat one green vegetable every day, reduce gluten. Or instead of putting “build new website” on your to-do list, break it down into all the specific steps you need to take, e.g.: Write bio, gather pictures, etc.

Resolve to take small steps every day and you’ll be blown away by how quickly you’ll reach and surpass your goals.

The most important thing when you’re setting goals is somehow holding yourself accountable.

Jerry Seinfeld (yes, THAT Jerry Seinfeld) has a ridiculously simple, yet amazingly effective, solution that only requires a wall calendar and a big red marker.

Simply tack the calendar up on your wall somewhere so it’s visible daily. We suggest using a real calendar, as opposed to a digital one, over your desk or in your kitchen to ensure you'll see it every day.

Then set a daily task for yourself in pursuit of your goal. Each day you take a small step towards your big goal, you get to place a big X over that day. The action is so satisfying (especially if you use a real wall calendar), you’re sure to get addicted and therefore reach your goal quickly. 

After a few days of accomplishing your daily tasks, you'll have a chain of X’s, and trust me, you'll love that visual representation of your steady progress – you won't want to break the chain.

Then, little by little, you'll achieve your goals!

So what can you get done with the Seinfeld Productivity Secret? Do you think it can help you reach your goals?

Share what you plan on accomplishing in the comments section below!